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Bird netting for cherry trees

1,132 words, 6 minutes read time
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Birds love cherries, and they’ll eat every last one of them.

For many commercial growers of cherries, sharing some of the fruit with the birds is unpleasant.


Birds have different ideas. They make the most of a handy food resource, even inviting their friends and family to eat every piece of fruit.

Summer is in full swing, and many of us enjoy our fruit trees.
But as beautiful as they look, they’re not immune to pests.

More than 20% of the berries go to the birds each year.

To that end, your crops are eaten even if insured.

Bird Netting For Cherry
Bird Netting For Cherry

It is a big blow to the economy. A bird invasion can completely wipe out your fruit orchard, causing the farmer to lose tens of thousands of dollars.

So, if you want to pick your fruit each year, netting your trees reliably is often the reality.

Protecting cherry fruit trees

Excluding birds with bird netting is one of the most effective methods of avoiding fruit tree damage. Netting will pay for itself in a year or two by tripling yields. You install and maintain mesh properly to keep the pests away.

You should attach the netting to a reasonable quality frame to let you harvest and work on the trees without removing the net, as it will be cumbersome and time-consuming. Secure your mesh netting to the ground to stop the bird from flying under it. If you loosely drape the net over the large tree, it gives the bird access to the fruit even with netting in place, rendering your efforts fruitless.

cherry tree netting
cherry tree netting

Certain birds, such as grackles and ravens, can be harmful to plants. They may overwhelm trees and excrete a lot. Uric acid in the excrement is unpleasant and can corrode metals, paints, and other supplies. Repairs cost growers hundreds of thousands of dollars. In comparison, installing bird netting to avoid damage is a superb option

Bird netting for cherry fruit tree 

Protecting your investments is more than important, it’s a necessity.

Bird damage

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  • Consuming part or whole fruits
  • Detaching the fruit as a result of pecking
  • Pecking holes in or puncturing the skin
  • Discoloring of the skin
  • Damaging or scratching the skin
  • Fungal damage
  • Estimate fruit losses by bird

The costs of losing your entire crop can run into thousands, even tens of thousands – if you can get the fruit to harvest in the first place!

Our exact-fit bird netting is highly effective at keeping birds, animals, and pests out and has been tested by commercial orchardists. EyouAgro cherry tree netting will keep your fruits safe and secure all year long, so you won’t be short at the end of the season when you need your fruit the most!

Eyouagro netting comes in many different types

  • Blueberry netting
  • Vineyard drape netting
  • Fruit tree bird netting
  • Vineyard bird netting
  • Vineyard side netting

Eyouagro bird netting for cherry trees

Eyouagro Net is the answer to protecting individual fruit and nuts or berry patches from birds and animals by creating barriers around them. Made super-strong and durable, this net mesh design is our most robust seasonal net.

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You are completely protected from bird predation and crop loss when you use bird netting. Either an overhead bird netting system or a single row of bird netting can be used to accomplish this. When there is minimal space between the rows of larger cherries, a complete overhead bird netting system or enclosure system works effectively. 

When there is space between the rows, the single-row bird netting method works particularly well with dwarf or smaller fruit trees because it is much simpler to operate. The cherry tree netting can be used in commercial cherry plantations, other fruit trees, berry patches, and garden netting.

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The net is installed by

  • Supports by plastic or metal hoops or other scaffold structures to suspend netting above and away from the sides of the fruit tree canopy,
  • Draped directly on fruit tree foliage

Features of Eyouagro bird netting

  • Heavy duty – manufactured from 100% HDPE for robustness and durability
  • Uv resistant – add UV stabilizers according to local conditions to increase service life
  •  Lightweight – easy handling and positioning
  • Accessories – with a wide range of accessories for easy installation
  • Customization – various mesh sizes and colors according to customer’s requirements


  •  It is durable.
  • It will not rot.
  • Very low shrinkage, no expansion, and not affected by humidity.
  • Much lighter weight

Benefits of Bird netting

  • Protection and prevention -prevent bird damage to fruit tree
  • Draining- allow rain and water vapor to drain away from fruits
  • Airflow- allow air to pass through, promoting healthier orchards
  • Cost savings- extend the life of your fruit tree without the need for expensive bird netting replacements

Birds netting is a great way to protect your fruits from bird damage. Investing in netting can help reduce the costs of bird-related damage, allowing fruit tree growers to save money. In addition, your ripe fruit tree becomes healthy and productive. 

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Farmers can enjoy peace of mind by using tree netting, knowing their crops are protected from bird damage. So invest in bird netting today to protect your fruits from bird-related damage.

Research has shown that bird netting reduces bird-related loss. A study in Italy revealed that bird nets reduced bird-induced damage by 85%. In addition, tree netting has increased cherry tree yields and reduced associated fruit damage.

 Another research showed that bird netting protects your orchard and improves from bird damage. The study indicates that netting enhances color uniformity and prevents the staining of fruits and vegetables.

One of our customers, a family cherry tree orchard from Australia, benefited from bird netting. The farm manager installed tree netting over his fruit orchards and noticed a significant yield improvement. He had this to say

We just finished our first year of growing fruit and I can say that these nets are the best investment we made. We live in an area where birds are plentiful and these tree netting are a must-have to protect your hard work.

The birds got into our cherry tree last year and ate half the cherries before we could get the net on them, so this year we were prepared! Thanks for making such a great product!

 bird netting


You are wholly protected from bird predation and crop loss when you use bird netting. You save on cop damage and improve yield and profit.

Eyouagro bird netting, like all of our quality tree netting, You’ll find that our bird netting for cherry trees is simple to install, cost-effective, and the best choice for bird control. 

Want a unique netting product design for your cherry?

Message us for details.

We’ll be happy to offer suggestions for making specialized bird netting suited to your cherry trees’ requirements.

EyouAgro Solutions
Bird netting for cherry trees
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