EyouAgro Academy

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profitable flowers (1)

Effect of Photo-Selective Netting on Fruits

A photo-selective net (PSN) can selectively filter out sunlight wavelengths unsuitable for photosynthesis, allowing only those suitable for crop growth to enter the plants.

greenhouse flowers (1)

Top 13 Profitable Flowers to Grow in a Greenhouse

Flowers bring in the most amount of profit per square foot with good management. 

This blog post will show you some profitable flowers you can grow in a greenhouse and reap the benefits thereof.

horticulture nurseries (1)

Japanese Beetles: 11 Facts You Should Know

The Japanese beetle is a green, striped pest that eats the leaves of your prized plants. This blog post has loads of interesting facts about  Japanese beetles you should care about.

kly uv stability

The Knowledge of Kly UV Stability

Exposure to sunlight has a negative effect on the useful life of plastics.UV radiation will break down the chemical bonds of the polymer.

flower plants

How to Tell The Health of Your Flower Plants

If you spend a lot of energy on your flowers, you definitely want healthy flowers. This is an article on how to identify whether flowers are healthy or not.

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Purchasing Agrotextiles
for Your Orchard from China?

Read Ten Cost-Saving Tips for the Purchase of Agrotextiles from China

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