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3 Factors of Growing Industrial Hemp in Greenhouse

913 words, 5 minutes read time
industrial hemp
Here we present 4 factors that need to be taken into account when growing hemp in greenhouses.


Industrial hemp has been used by humans for thousands of years, including the manufacturing of materials such as ropes and textiles. Today, hemp is still used on a large scale to produce food, clothing, and even building materials such as bio-composite.

As it can be used to produce over 25,000 products and offers sustainable benefits. But so far there are many unresolved challenges in hemp cultivation.

Here we present 4 factors that need to be taken into account when growing hemp in greenhouses.

History of Hemp

Hemp can be grown legally on a commercial scale in Canada, China, and Europe among other countries and more than 30 U.S. states. In early 2016, President Barack Obama signed a Farm Bill into law, which legalized industrial hemp production for research purposes on national and state levels.

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Cannabis growers across the country are finding that industrial hemp is a viable and potentially valuable addition to their farming practices. Tens of thousands of acres of hemp are being planted in states where it is legal, including Kentucky and Colorado. In Kentucky, where hemp was once a major cash crop, there is even an effort underway to develop cannabis tourism around hemp production.

Why Grow Hemp in a Greenhouse?

Grow Hemp in a Greenhouse?

Many plants can be grown in greenhouses and this method of growing is thought to increase the efficiency of plant growth. Indoor and greenhouse cultivation offers a stable environment that can help maximize industrial hemp yields, including CBD content while protecting against threats such as heavy rain, hail, pests, high winds, or other extreme weather conditions

hemp greenhouse
hemp greenhouse

Furthermore growing in a greenhouse also allows farmers to regulate the growth cycle of industrial hemp. In the greenhouse, it is possible to guarantee 4 harvest seasons a year, whereas growing outdoors again does not guarantee this high quality.

3 Factors of Growing Industrial Hemp in Greenhouse

Use Blackout Shade Screen in Hemp Greenhouse

When growing hemp for CBD, it is important to use a blackout screen during the flowering stage. This is because hemp needs more than 12 hours of continuous darkness for the plants to flower. The growth cycles of hemp plants are similar to that of the tobacco plant, requiring more than 12 hours of continuous darkness for the plants to flower. The flowering cycle is what determines the harvesting season. Light interruptions can be caused by cloudy weather, or even by a pulled shade in a room. A hemp grower must have control over his light source to ensure that his plants receive the required uninterrupted darkness.

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Blackout Greenhouse

If farms do not use a shade screen they will have to wait until natural conditions are perfectly suitable for hemp flowering conditions. This is out of their control, so they will have to be patient and wait. Blockout Shading screen blocks out 100% of the outdoor light and allows very precise control of the duration of light. The blackout curtains can also be opened very easily when the sun is needed. The light can be adjusted at will. By installing these blackout shades, it is possible to freely control the point at which the plants bloom when required. These shades are also very easy to install and can be installed on top of the existing greenhouse supports. In greenhouses, blackout shade screens were commonly used for growing flowers, such as poinsettias and chrysanthemums.

Growing in a Greenhouse Can Reduce Pests

Growing in a greenhouse not only controls the growth cycle of the plants but also controls hemp damage by pests. Because of the value of CBD, the government has stipulated that only a small amount of pesticides can be used on hemp. This poses a greater challenge to hemp growing. The government has strict regulations on the pesticides used when hemp is grown and many of them cannot be used. Growing in greenhouses allows for pest control and the impact of many pests, rodents, and even birds is reduced. The growth of hemp is aided by all of these factors. And the use of pesticides is reduced, which allows for better control of the quality of CBD. CBD is thus able to be produced at a higher concentration in hemp.

Application of Energy Efficient Grow Lights

Although it is important to keep it dark during the hemp flowering phase. But it is also important to keep the room light during the other stages. Because the plant cannot live without light, the healthy growth of hemp can only be ensured if sufficient photosynthesis is maintained. Especially in winter when light is low, supplementary lighting is particularly important. Then, the cost of the conservatory is also a factor to be considered, so the choice of energy-efficient lighting is crucial. You can use some highly efficient energy-saving lamps, which will ensure the growth of hemp and at the same time ensure energy savings and reduce growing costs.

Grow Lights


To grow high-quality CBD hemp, it is necessary to control the environment in which hemp is grown. Precise regulation of the plant’s growth cycle ensures more hemp, higher yields, and better quality throughout the year. This ensures that the growth of hemp provides a steady income over a long period of time.

EyouAgro strives to be the customer’s top choice for unique and innovative crop protection solutions, which is why we provide premium polymer netting for controlling microclimates to make plants healthier and stronger. We can supply all types of blackout shade cloth to provide a good flowering environment for your hemp. These products are treated with UV resistance and may be used indoors and outdoors for extended periods of time.  Our team can help you with your specific horticulture needs. Please contact us at 1@eyouagro.com for more information about our selection of crop covers and other horticulture solutions.

Hey, I’m Kevin Lyu, the founder of eyouagro.com , Family-run business
An expert of agriculture protection textile specialist .
In the past 26 years, we have helped 55 countries and 150+ Clients like farms, orchards , vineyards to protect their plants. The purpose of this article is to share with the knowledge related to agriculture growing protection for making the plant healthier and stronger.
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