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Kevin Lyu.

Hey, I’m the founder of , Kevin Lyu. You can call me Kevin.

A family-run business, based on Joyeyou Industry since 1996.

An expert of agriculture protection textile specialist.

In the past 26+ years, we have helped 55 countries and 150+ clients like farms, orchards, vineyards to protect their plants.

I am writing down our years’ experience and sharing with the knowledge related to agriculture growing protection.

Wind, Frost, Rain, and Sunshine have nourished the plants on the earth for thousands of years, but sometimes they can also harm them.

“How can we protect them better?”…

When I was young, I often saw my father working with his beloved machines in his factory.

He told me that the nettings made by these machines could be used to protect our plants, just like putting on armor.

I feel so amazing and proud.

Now, I have taken over my father’s business and devoted myself to the protection methods in cultivation.

Hope to develop more advanced and environmentally friendly methods to protect plants on the planet.

  • Adjust their microclimate, isolate birds and insects.

  • Resist wind and hail

  • Reduce the use of pesticides.

  • Bring safer and healthier food to every family.

That’s the vision that powers everything we do. We’re in this together, and together we’ll make a difference.


An ideal microclimate and environment make the plant healthier and stronger.

Some studies show that If plants don’t have to resist harsh climates, they can devote more energy to fruiting.

Polyphenols are plant compounds that have antioxidant properties.

Ideal cultivation conditions can increase plant photosynthesis and then produce more polyphenols.

Studies have concluded that polyphenols promote health by curbing the activity of free radicals in the body and preventing them from damaging body tissues.

Therefore, Our Vision ” A safer, healthier food, better health for humans

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EyouAgro supplies premium polymer netting to establish a microclimate that allows plants to grow more favorably.

We provide the following product lines (hot products):

We also focus on and concentrate on

The more I share, the more I grow.

To record, classify, categorize, summarize and explain the knowledge I have gained.

While imparting my knowledge to people.

Gradually, I am getting happier and happier.

Of course, while assisting others, I am also moving towards my own success.

I am happy to work with you, to continue learning, sharing and achieving my goals!

Other Platforms I Am Active On


Youtube Channel: eyouagro 


Contact Me

Whatsapp: 0086 13816514856

Phone: 0086 13816514856


For more exciting content, please visit Knowledge of Crop Covers

We are at your disposal for any technical or commercial information
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