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15 Easy Ways of Getting Rid of Bees Naturally

When humans provoke bees, they become aggressive, particularly to those allergic to bee stings that can be fatal. Let's look at some simple natural ways that you can use to get rid of bees.
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Bees are vital to the ecosystem because they play an essential role in transferring seeds from one plant to another. Without bees, humans would be unable to produce enough crops to sustain themselves. 

However, just because they are significant does not imply that humans must put up with them. In reality, bees can be a nuisance if they build their nest near your home. This insect has the potential to cause havoc in areas where it is present.

When humans provoke bees, they become aggressive, particularly to those allergic to bee stings that can be fatal.

Let’s look at some simple natural ways that you can use to get rid of bees.

Vinegar Repellent

Vinegar is a successful alternative to toxic chemicals in getting rid of bees. It works by trapping the bees. It’s also straightforward to make; you only require

  •  Some vinegar
  •  Warm water 
  • And a spray bottle 

Preferably the spray bottle should have a stream option rather than just a spray option on the nozzle. Carefully approach the bee-infested area and spray right on the insect.  

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Cucumber Peels

This ordinary repellant may sound too simple to be real, but cucumber peels are a perfect way to rid of bees. Here’s how:

  • Peel the cucumber and arrange the peels on an aluminum tray; bees cannot tolerate the chemical odor produced from the chemical reaction of cucumber and aluminum.
  • When you open your window, place fresh cucumber skin along the windowsill; that way, you will keep the bees at bay.


Peppermint is one of the top natural insect repellents, including bees. You can 

  • Plant peppermint inside and outside your home or in areas that you do not want bees. 
  • Apply peppermint essential oils in strategic locations. 
  • Place cotton balls dipped in peppermint oil around your house.

Make Use of Garlic 

Garlic has long been used to repel bees. You can sprinkle garlic powder near your window, and you can also crush cloves of garlic and spread them in your garden. 

Another way of repelling bees is chopping some garlic, soaking in a glass of water for 2-3 days, then placing the glass of garlic water around where the bees are a nuisance.

Avoid Wearing Bright Colours 

Bees are constantly on the lookout for flowers to pollinate; they might mistake you for their target if you wear bright colors.

Bee Netting

Been netting is a simple way of preventing bees invasions and cross-pollination of your fruit trees. 

If you have an orchard, you can use bee netting products for your citrus fruits, vineyards, grapes, citrus, and trees. Whats is more you can get bee-friendly products – net with small bigger holes.

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Planting Marigold Flower

As we had previously understood, bees are pollinators that seek pollen from the flowers. This flower blooms all summer, ideal for planting around swimming pools and other entertaining places. Keep potted marigolds because it’s easy to maintain.

Using Bee Bait

The bee bait is designed to attract bees rather than eliminate them. This method works because it lets them in a while, keeping them away from you. The idea is to create something that has a sweet enough scent to attract bees. 

To make the bait, 

  • Mix soda, maple syrup, and any type of fruit juice in a bowl.
  •  Place the bowl at least 5 meters away from you. 

A sugar water solution would also suffice. This is ideal for picnics and other outdoor gatherings. Set the bait out at least 20 mins before your guests start to arrive.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is an effective way to protect yourself from bees. Cayenne has a powerful odor that bees cannot stand and so they will avoid areas where it has been sprinkled. Sprinkle some cayenne in your garden, especially if you have a problem with ground bees; it will keep them from digging in the soil.

Citronella Scented Candles

Use citronella candles to ward off bees away from your home. You leave citronella candles to burn for a while under their nest. Bees dislike the smell of citronella, so they will slowly start going to migrate elsewhere.

Hang Mothballs

Mothballs have a strong smell that bees avoid. Wrap the balls in cotton cloth or nets and hang them near the beehives that you have discovered in your surroundings.


Smoking bees is an old and effective way of getting rid of bees without eliminating them.

Burn some wood or cardboard near or beneath the beehive for at least an hour. 

When the bees see smoke, they suspect a fire somewhere near their hives, so they begin to shift their pack to another location. The best time to do this is at night. Make sure you close all doors and windows to prevent them from entering your home.

Soapy Spray

One of the most successful ways to keep bees away from your home is soap spray. Combine half of the mild soap detergent and half water in a spray bottle. 

After that, spray the hive and other affected areas. You are strongly advised to do this at night after dark and be sure to use protective clothing.

Seek Professional Help: Beekeeper

Beekeepers make a living off of bees; as a result, they will be gentle with the bees. They also serve as a haven for insects. 

Bees play an essential role in nature; without bees, humans and animals may become extinct due to a lack of food. Engaging beekeepers is a wise choice if you want to get rid of bees without killing them.

Get Rid Of The Beehive

Make sure you get rid of the beehive once you have used the procedures above. By destroying the hive, you avoid future infestation caused by new bee colonies. 

If the pack is built on a tree, you should take down any remaining parts of the beehive-like the branch from which the hive is suspended. You can cut down the beehive with a sharp knife and clean it from the tree exterior. The bees will be disoriented and seek out a new location to develop their hive.

Yellowjacket sting is more severe than a honey bee sting; therefore, be careful when removing their nest. Before you dismantle the nest, make sure it’s completely empty. 

You can just cover the hive with earth if it’s a beehive on the ground. Of course, after you’ve watered and emptied the nest. It is crucial to put on protective clothing for your safety.

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Before you decide to try any of the above, essential things are to find out where the hive is, identify the bees and whether they are dangerous.

EyouAgro is a reliable bee netting supplier and offers the most effective way to keep bees and wasps away from your orchard. We also provide advice on how to control bees. Our products such as bee netting are reasonably priced and come with a warranty. We provide a variety of items to meet your needs. Our primary goal is to make farmers’ lives easier and assist them in taking care of their plants. Our services are simply the greatest, and you cannot afford to overlook them.

Kindly contact us at info@eyouagro.com or visit https://eyouagro.com for more information.

Hey, I’m Kevin Lyu, the founder of eyouagro.com , Family-run business
An expert of agriculture protection textile specialist .
In the past 26 years, we have helped 55 countries and 150+ Clients like farms, orchards , vineyards to protect their plants. The purpose of this article is to share with the knowledge related to agriculture growing protection for making the plant healthier and stronger.
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