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6 Keys to Growing a Healthy Orchid in Shade Greenhouse

1,086 words, 6 minutes read time
growing a healthy orchid (2)
Orchids will grow in greenhouses and bloom many times throughout the year! If the soil feels moist, don't water. However, if the soil is dry, water the soil. 

Orchids are home beautifiers; love the shade and tender care.
So, it’s important for orchid growers to grow them well in a greenhouse or shade house

Orchids will grow in greenhouses and bloom many times throughout the year!
To get the good quality of your orchids, you must take good care of them.
If you want to grow your orchid in a healthy environment, here are the five tips you should know.

Watering Orchid in Greenhouse

Water your orchid at the right time and with care. One mistake people make is to water regularly.
If you do that, you might kill your orchids. Only water your orchids when the soil is dry.
To know whether your soil is dry or not, you can stick your finger into the earth.
If the soil feels moist, don’t water. However, if the soil is dry, water the soil. 

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When your potting medium s dry it is time to water your orchids. Check daily.
There are telling signs that your orchids need watering.
For example, shriveled leaves are a sign that they need water.
However, ensure you don’t overwater. Don’t water your orchids daily.
Overwatering can lead to root rot. You should ensure your planting medium has good drainage.
Also, check your water is ph neutral, has fewer dissolved salts, and is of quality

Planting Medium. Material

The orchids are potted in a prepared mix of potting materials. either bark chips or sphagnum moss. These two types of potting materials are:

  • Moss acts like a sponge and helps orchids dry out quickly. It is good for nun’s orchids and lady’s slipper varieties. 
  • Bark – On the other hand, bark drains quickly and doesn’t hold too much water. Thus, they are the ideal choice for the species of Cattleya and Phalaenopsis.

Location of the Shade or Greenhouse 

When you install your greenhouse or orchid shade house, the location should capture maximum light. A well-located shade house can provide a consistent and better environment for your orchids.

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The best position for a standing shade is on a north-south axis so that the sun travels across the entire length as it moves from east to west. If your greenhouse is leaning, let it have exposure in the east or south.

Besides, you should avoid nearby shade trees or shadows from nearby homes or buildings. Cutting down on intense light is easy; however, it is hard to provide light when the greenhouse is shaded beyond your control. 

When planning the construction of your greenhouse, many factors must be considered. Most require professional advice.

Apart from the site, the window direction influences the orchid’s light exposure. Knowing the amount of sun exposure is crucial for orchids because they require different levels of light. Here are some directions for the window to face.


The window faces the sun exposure. This makes it a good direction for orchids that require a lot of  sunlight


This window direction offers your orchids more light exposure to morning sunlight. This is good for sun exposure to orchids in summer, spring, and fall. 


The window direction offers orchids more afternoon light to orchids. Your orchids get hotter environments. Take care the direction can lead to too much light, leading to the death of your orchids.


The light is not enough for orchids to grow healthy, but it is good for ferns, which require less light.

Your Shade Cloth Color

Whether orchids are placed in a greenhouse or shade house installing shade cloth is important.  The shade cloth allows your orchids to grow taller  and have bigger leaves

Different shade cloth colors provide different benefits to your orchids. Here are some of the benefits:

Shade Cloth ColorBenefits
Silver Spreads the light without change to its full spectrum.  Have a cooling ability 
WhiteAlters the light spectrum.  Reduces the quantity of light.
RedPromotes early-blooming  Orchids usually have large leaves.  promotes thicker and taller stems
BlueScatters the light  Generates heat from the sun.  Produce more roots and large leaves.
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Choose Right Color
Not sure if white, black, or green is right for you?
Our team will help you pick the perfect shade cloth color for your plants’ needs.

Shade Cloth %

aluminet shade cloth
Aluminet shade cloth

Orchids require 70 to 80% shade cloth to provide enough shades for them.
However, the shade cloth % is affected by the following factors.

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Get detailed advice on selecting the perfect shade rate to match your plants’ needs.


If your area has higher summer temperatures, choose a shade cloth of 70 to 90%. But if you are from areas with the winter season, use minimal shade.

Types of Orchids

The light required by orchids varies with the type. Take,
for example, Bulbophyllum  Paphiopedilums and Phalaenopsis. They need 30 – 60% of light for  4 – 6 hours daily.
Therefore, to achieve this light intensity requirement for these orchids, you need 75-80% shade cloth.

Light-loving orchids such as Oncidiums, Dendrobium, and Cattleya need 50% or less shade cloth, depending on their location.


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Orchids produce beautiful blooms but require pruning once the flowers fall off. Pruning improves your orchid health and flowering. Below are some of the orchid parts to prune:

Prune The Roots

You need to trim the roots that are not benefiting your orchid. The dead roots are brown and appear to wither. These are the ones you should cut off. If the roots are grey and are strong, then they are healthy and you should not cut them off.

Pruning Diseased Orchids

Prune the diseased part of your orchid. The parts appear unhealthy, diseased, or broken. You need to cut these parts out to prevent the diseases from spreading. Besides, these damaged parts tend to attract pests. 

Prune Overgrown Orchids

You need to look for the big and heavy parts to ensure your orchids grow healthier. Only cut overgrown orchids when they are healthy.

Leaf Pruning

This is to keep your orchid in the right condition. If you find the leaves have become black, cut them off. Bacteria or fungi might cause the darkening of the leaves. And if the leaves are left on your orchid, the bacteria spreads. 


Growing orchids in a greenhouse requires careful attention to light, humidity, temperature, and ventilation. By following these six key strategies, you can create the ideal environment to help your orchids flourish and bloom beautifully year-round.

Ready to enhance your greenhouse orchid cultivation?
EyouAgro provides premium shade cloths and climate control solutions that are designed to create the perfect growing conditions for your orchids.

Contact us today for personalized advice and to explore the best shade cloth options for your greenhouse.

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Curious about the quality of our shade cloth?
Request a free sample to feel the durability and quality, ensuring it’s the perfect solution for your farm.
Hey, I’m Kevin Lyu, the founder of eyouagro.com , Family-run business
An expert of agriculture protection textile specialist .
In the past 26 years, we have helped 55 countries and 150+ Clients like farms, orchards , vineyards to protect their plants. The purpose of this article is to share with the knowledge related to agriculture growing protection for making the plant healthier and stronger.
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