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What’s the difference of 3 kinds of Raschel Netting?

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Raschel netting stands out as a specialized knitted fabric, predominantly crafted from synthetic materials. Its unique design and resilience make it a sought-after material in numerous sectors, from agriculture, where it provides shade and safeguards plants, to certain construction applications.

Distinguishing the Three Raschel Netting Types

3 kinds of shade netting
  1. Mono+Mono: This variant employs mono fibers in both its warp and weft directions. The resultant fabric is notably robust and long-lasting, making it the go-to choice when endurance is paramount.
  2. Tape+Tape: This configuration utilizes tape fibers for both its orientations. The fabric derived from this combination boasts an elevated shading capacity. Its economic viability further accentuates its appeal for a plethora of applications.
  3. Mono+Tape: This amalgamation marries the attributes of mono and tape fibers. The fabric birthed from this union offers a harmonious blend of durability and shading capabilities, rendering it adaptable for a range of purposes.

Differences of Three Raschel Netting Types

Fibers in both its warp and weftMonoTapeOne fiber is mono, the other is tape
Shading rate for the same weightLowHighMiddle
Life spanLongerShorterMiddle
PriceA little higherLowerMiddle

Delving Further: Technical Aspects Unraveled

For those keen on the intricate details of Raschel netting, let’s address some nuanced points:

What’s the Difference Between the 3-bar, 6-bar, and the 9-bar Netting?

The term “bar” in netting refers to the divisions or intervals within a 1-inch span. When we talk about:

  1. 3-bar netting: It means the netting has been divided into three distinct intervals within every inch. This results in a relatively wider spacing between the threads or fibers, making the net more open and less dense.
  2. 6-bar netting: Here, the 1-inch span is segmented into six intervals. This creates a denser netting with narrower spaces between the threads or fibers compared to the 3-bar netting.
  3. 9-bar netting: This is the densest of the three, with nine intervals within every inch. The spaces between the threads or fibers are the smallest, offering the most compact structure among the three types.
3 bar vs.6 bar 9bar

The choice between these netting types would depend on the specific application and the desired balance between airflow, shading, and protection.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that some factories interchangeably use the term “needle” in place of “bar.” So, you might come across terms like 3-needle, 6-needle, and 9-needle, which essentially convey the same meaning as the respective “bar” terminology.

Waterproof vs. Regular Shade Cloth – What sets them apart?

At its core, both waterproof and regular shade cloths serve the primary purpose of providing shade.

However, the waterproof shade cloth takes it a step further. It undergoes an additional process where a waterproof coating is applied, making it resistant to water penetration. This feature is especially beneficial in environments where rain or water exposure is frequent, ensuring that the underlying area remains dry.


Moreover, this waterproof layer enhances the fabric’s overall durability, making it more resistant to wear and tear. It’s also worth noting that the waterproofing process might slightly alter the fabric’s texture, giving it a different feel compared to the regular shade cloth.


Raschel netting, with its diverse types and technical nuances, offers a wide range of applications and benefits. By understanding the distinctions between these nettings, one can make well-informed decisions tailored to their specific needs.

If you have any other questions to discuss, please get in touch with us.

Hey, I’m Kevin Lyu, the founder of eyouagro.com , Family-run business
An expert of agriculture protection textile specialist .
In the past 26 years, we have helped 55 countries and 150+ Clients like farms, orchards , vineyards to protect their plants. The purpose of this article is to share with the knowledge related to agriculture growing protection for making the plant healthier and stronger.
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