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Peach Tree – 8 Most Common Diseases and How to Treat Them

1,154 words, 6 minutes read time
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There are many different types of peach tree diseases and each has its unique symptoms. In this blog post, we will go over some common diseases that affect peach trees and how best to treat them.
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As a farmer, you know that there are some things in life you can’t control: how much rain falls and the price of produce at the market. You work hard to grow healthy crops and manage pests and diseases, but sometimes Mother Nature has other plans for your peach tree.

Growing your peach trees can be a rewarding experience. However, no matter how you care for them, challenges do arise from time to time. Peach trees just like other trees and humans are susceptible to various diseases. 

Peach tree diseases can be a real pain in the butt. There are many different types of peach tree diseases and each has its unique symptoms. If you’re looking for a way to treat your diseased peach trees, then you’ve come to the right place! 

In this blog post, we will go over some common diseases that affect peach trees and how best to treat them, but before that let’s look at the benefits of growing peach.  

Benefits of Growing Peach Trees

  • They contribute to healthy digestion
  • It May help to control heart diseases.
  • They maintain a soft and healthy skin
  • They reduce some allergies.
  • They boost your immunity
  • It Prevents high blood sugar levels.

Now that you have seen how beneficial peach fruits are to your health, let’s look at some of the diseases that plaque your peach trees and how to treat them. After all, you do not want a disease to snatch your hard-earned fruits.

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Common Peach Tree Diseases and How to Treat Them

Trees do not cry out in pain. Right? They cannot alert humans when something is incorrect. So,  it is your responsibility to detect and treat the diseases before they cause irreversible damage. Keep an eye out for the following common peach tree diseases and treat them accordingly. 

1. Anthracnose, Crater Rot

A tiny yellow spot on the fruit surface is the first sign of anthracnose. This spot develops over time into a circular, hollow, on the fruit’s surface. The rot persists then in the affected area turns a grayish-black color.


A fungus, Colletotrichum, causes the disease.


  • Remove any diseased plant from your garden. 
  • Prune dead wood and destroying infected leaves are good practices for trees.
  • Spray a copper-based fungicide on your plants.

2. Bacterial Canker

bacterial canker

This disease attacks a tree’s twigs and branches, preventing the development of flowers and vegetative buds. Its primary symptom is elongated cankers.


A fungus, Cytospora leucostoma, causes peach cankers. These fungi are weak; they will rarely attack your peach tree if it’s healthy.


Prune all the affected twigs and branches. After you have pruned the branches burn or remove them immediately. Planting new peach trees near canker-infected trees is not recommended.

Try spraying copper-based fungicides.

3. Bacterial Spot

This disease can affect the small branches and fruit of your plants. The first sign is wet spots on the leaves. The spot may become darker, and the affected leaf turns yellow. The same  Spots may appear on the fruit, causing harm and allowing other bacteria to enter. To assess this bacterium, Look for angular lesions on the leaves. 

bacterial spot peach


The bacterium that causes it is called Xanthomonas campestris PV. Pruni.


It would be best if you used the recommended fungicides. Apply the fungicides after two weeks. Early in the season, check twigs for peach scab lesions to anticipate and plan fungicide applications.

4. Blossom Blight

Blossom Blight appears once trees start to bloom, causing the blossoms to turn tan. The flowers then hang down as if frost has damaged them. Once the disease begins, it spreads quickly to the twigs, branches, leaves, and fruit. The impacted wood becomes gummy.


The fungus Monilinia fructicola causes this disease. 


Fungicides are essential in the treatment of this disease. You should start a fungicide spray program immediately when the trees begin to bloom to control this disease. Use the fungicide all through the growing season.

5. Botryosphaeria Fruit Rot

This disease wreaks havoc on the fruit, causing circular lesions. This bacterium is often confused with anthracnose. Botryosphaeria, on the other hand, causes softer lesions. It mainly affects weak plants.


The fungus Botryosphaeria dothidea causes the disease.


When you notice panicles appearing, apply fungicides. You can use both fungicide and pruning treatment.

6. Armillaria Root Rot

It is a fungus that lives in the soil. Armillaria Root Rot wreaks havoc on plant roots and crown tissue. Wilting, bronzing, and later chlorosis of foliage are the first visible symptoms. Foliar collapses next, followed by tree death. Investigation reveals a well-developed mycelial mat beneath the root bark.  Later, gill-type mushroom bunches will emerge at the bottom of dead and dying trees.


It is caused by the fungus Armillaria.


There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for Armillaria root rot. The disease can be controlled by regularly removing dead trees and infected stumps.

7. Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew can affect your peach tree’s leaves as well as its fruit. When peach leaves become infected, they lose their shape and become droopy. Also, the affected fruit develops a white powder on the surface.


Species of fungi cause this disease in the order Erysiphales.


Combine three tablespoons of potassium bicarbonate, three tablespoons vegetable oil, and 1/2 teaspoon soap. Apply the spray to the affected plants. Then,

  • Remove infected leaves and stems.
  • Water the soil rather than the plants

8. Leaf Curl

It is a common pathogen that affects peach trees. It causes the leaves to turn reddish, curl, and fall off the tree. First, it affects your tree in the early spring, when the fungus spores infect the leaf buds, and then the fungus extends to the leaves themselves.


The leading cause of this disease is the fungus Taphrina deformans.


If you suspect leaf curl, the first thing you should do is add nitrogen and water heavily. After you’ve taken these stress-relieving measures, spray the trees with a copper-based fungicide.


As a peach farmer, keep checking the health of your tree. If you notice any change, kindly contact a tree specialist. If you cant manage the disease, prune the tree and dispose of the pruned twigs or branches to avoid spreading the disease to other trees. Always use the recommended fungicides, and that won’t harm your tree.

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In addition, tree netting is a successful way to protect your peach trees. Just like any other fruit, your peach also needs protection from animals and birds. Please cover them right after the pollination. Where will you get these nets? You can get them at Eyouagro; Here, we offer you fruit nets that come in different mesh sizes. Our team is always there, ready to assist you in picking the right net for your peach trees. 

Send us an email at info@eyouagro.com  for inquiry or to complete your order.  Visit our website at EyouAgro for more details. 

Hey, I’m Kevin Lyu, the founder of eyouagro.com , Family-run business
An expert of agriculture protection textile specialist .
In the past 26 years, we have helped 55 countries and 150+ Clients like farms, orchards , vineyards to protect their plants. The purpose of this article is to share with the knowledge related to agriculture growing protection for making the plant healthier and stronger.
We are at your disposal for any technical or commercial information

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