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What percent of shade cloth for tomatoes?

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tomato shade cloth percentage

What percent of shade cloth for tomatoes?

When growing tomatoes, it can be challenging to strike the right balance between providing them with enough sunlight and preventing them from getting too much sun.

Excessive sun exposure can scorch or blister tomatoes, ruining their flavor and appearance.

So, what is the best shade rate for tomatoes?

The answer is that the most suitable shade percentage for tomatoes is 30 to 50%.

Choosing the correct percentage of Shade cloth for tomatoes is the perfect way to protect your plants from the sun while allowing them to get enough light.

A study by Gent showed that total yield decreased with increasing shade (15%,30%, 50%), but there was no shade effect on marketable fruit yield. The fraction of marketable fruit was most significant for plants under 50% shade. Cracked skin was the most affected fruit defect by shade; up to 35% of the tomatoes produced in greenhouses without shade had broken skin, whereas, in greenhouses covered with 50% shade, only 25% to 29% of the tomatoes had cracked skin.

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Liu’s study showed that tomatoes could grow well and produce higher yields if some moderate shading (40% shading) was applied at the LF stage in midday summer.

Another study from Texas indicated that shading tomato plants at 50% shade reduced heat stress, whereas a lower percentage of shade was better.

Different shade cloths provide different shade levels, so choosing the right one for your needs is essential.

So, A shading rate of 30-50 will have a beneficial effect on your tomato growth.

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In the previous section, we answered the question about the correct shading rate for tomatoes.

In the next article,
we will discuss the shading problem when growing tomatoes in a few ways.

When to shade tomatoes?


Shading tomatoes is essential during periods of extreme heat or intense sunlight.

The best time to apply shade is when daytime temperatures consistently exceed 85°F (29°C), particularly during summer months. This helps to protect the plants from heat stress, sunburn, and fruit cracking.

Shade cloth should be used early in the day before temperatures rise and removed once the sun’s intensity decreases in the late afternoon.

Additionally, shading is particularly beneficial during the fruit-setting and ripening stages, as it prevents temperature extremes from interfering with these crucial growth phases.

According to research, shading that reduced daily integrated solar radiation to 5-6 MJ.m(-2) effectively increased marketable fruit yields when the air temperature exceeded 25 degrees C.

What color shade cloth best for tomatoes?

The color of shade cloth plays a crucial role in influencing tomato growth, fruit quality, and nutritional content. Common colors used include black, pearl white, red, and green, each with distinct benefits:

  • Black shade cloth is excellent for cooler climates or early and late-season growth as it absorbs heat, helping maintain a stable temperature around the plants.
  • Pearl white and red shade cloths are particularly effective at reducing sunscald and preventing cracking in tomatoes.
    A study in Serbia showed that 40% pearl and red nets reduced tomato cracking by 50% and eliminated sunscald, leading to a 35% increase in marketable production.
  • Red shade cloth, in particular, has been shown to influence the light spectrum that stimulates tomato growth.
    Research indicates that red shade nets enhance photosynthesis by optimizing the light wavelengths absorbed by plants, thereby improving fruit yield and quality. Tomatoes grown under red shade nets have also been found to contain higher lycopene content64.9 μg/g compared to 48.1 μg/g in unprotected tomatoes.
  • Green shade cloth provides benefits in greenhouses by improving overall plant health and encouraging consistent growth patterns.

In general, pearl white or red shade cloth with around 40% shade is ideal for preventing defects like sunscald and cracking and improving the fruit’s nutritional value.

Why do tomato skins split?

tomato skin split
tomato skin split

Tomato skins split for several reasons, typically caused by moisture fluctuations, temperature changes, and the variety of tomato.

Here are the key causes:

  1. Excessive Watering:
    Tomatoes are prone to skin splitting when they absorb too much water too quickly. This can happen if you water too often or use a sprinkler system that over-waters the plants. The fruit grows faster than the skin can stretch, causing cracks to form.
  2. Fluctuating Temperatures:
    Rapid temperature shifts, particularly in environments like poorly ventilated greenhouses, can cause the fruit to grow unevenly. Hot days followed by cooler nights lead to stress on the fruit’s skin, increasing the risk of splitting.
  3. Variety of Tomato:
    Some tomato varieties are more prone to skin splitting than others. If you’re growing a variety known for this issue, extra care is needed to maintain consistent moisture levels and moderate temperatures.
  4. Nutrient Imbalance:
    Lack of key nutrients, particularly calcium, can weaken the skin, making it more susceptible to cracking.

To prevent skin splitting, avoid overwatering, maintain consistent moisture, and ensure your greenhouse or growing area has adequate ventilation.

Using shade cloth can also help regulate temperature and moisture, reducing the likelihood of cracking.

Will tomatoes grow under shade cloth?

Yes, tomatoes can grow under shade cloth, and in many cases, it can actually improve growth and fruit quality. Shade cloth helps regulate temperature, reduce sunburn, and prevent heat stress, all of which can lead to healthier plants and better yields. Here’s why shade cloth is beneficial:

  1. Temperature Control:
    In hot climates, shade cloth can protect tomatoes from excessive heat. It helps create a stable microclimate, keeping the plants cooler and preventing the skin from cracking due to temperature fluctuations.
  2. Sun Protection:
    Shade cloth reduces the intensity of direct sunlight, which helps prevent sunscald and fruit cracking, which are common issues in tomatoes exposed to harsh sun.
  3. Improved Yield:
    Shade cloth can increase tomato yields and improve overall fruit quality by reducing stress caused by extreme heat or inconsistent sunlight.
  4. Optimal Growth Conditions:
    For regions with intense sunlight, shade cloth provides the perfect balance of light and protection, allowing tomatoes to thrive without the risk of overheating.

it’s important to choose the right shade percentage—typically between 30% and 50%—to ensure the plants receive enough light for optimal photosynthesis without risking damage from the sun.

Which Shade Cloth Color Best Protects Tomatoes: Black or White?

white shade cloth
white shade cloth

White shade cloth is generally more effective than black at protecting tomato plants, especially in hot summer climates.

  1. White Shade Cloth:
    • Reflects Sunlight:
      White shade cloth reflects sunlight, helping to reduce the overall heat load on the plants. This helps keep the temperature underneath the net cooler, preventing the risk of heat stress and sunscald.
    • Diffuse Reflection:
      The reflective surface of white cloth scatters the light more evenly, creating a favorable microclimate for the plants. This helps improve growth conditions, providing consistent and optimal light for photosynthesis.
    • Optimal for Hotter Climates:
      In regions with intense summer heat, white shade cloth provides superior protection. It keeps the plants cool and improves growth by enhancing overall plant health.
  2. Black Shade Cloth:
    • Absorbs Heat:
      Black shade cloth absorbs heat, sometimes resulting in higher temperatures under the net. While this can be beneficial in cooler climates by helping to warm the plants, it may increase the risk of overheating in hot conditions.

White shade cloth (with about 35% shading) is the superior option for most tomato growers. It offers better protection against summer heat, reduces the risk of heat stress, and creates a more favorable environment for healthy tomato growth.

Extensive practice has shown that 35% white shade netting or 35% red shade cloth is optimal for growing tomatoes.

Ready to Enhance Your Crop Protection?

At EyouAgro, we offer high-quality shade cloths tailored to your needs, ensuring the best crop protection. Whether you’re growing tomatoes, vegetables, or fruits, our shade nettings provide optimal light and heat management for increased productivity.

Contact us today to get a personalized solution that fits your farm perfectly. Let us help you achieve healthier and more abundant harvests!

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Hey, I’m Kevin Lyu, the founder of eyouagro.com , Family-run business
An expert of agriculture protection textile specialist .
In the past 26 years, we have helped 55 countries and 150+ Clients like farms, orchards , vineyards to protect their plants. The purpose of this article is to share with the knowledge related to agriculture growing protection for making the plant healthier and stronger.
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