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All You Need to Know about Anti-Insect Netting

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Insect Net
An anti-insect net is a light mesh used for blocking insects. It is made from a plain-woven or knitted net. it is forming an effective barrier when installed.


The field of agronomy requires hard work. In addition to challenging jobs and physical labor, there is also the fight against pests.

Fortunately, technology has advanced over the years. Now, mankind has created various reliefs.
Luckily, they do not require physical effort. One of them is installing anti-insect netting.

  • what is precisely the anti-insect net?
  • What are the benefits of having an anti-insect net?
  • What are the disadvantages of anti-insect netting?
  • How to install it?
  • And how to choose a manufacturer?

We aim to collect all the information you need.


What is insect netting?

insect proof netting
insect proof netting

Simply put, an anti-insect net is a light mesh used to block insects. It is made from a plain-woven or knitted net, and it looks a little like curtains.

As it is a thin fabric, it allows sunlight to enter and doesn’t block rain. The only ones that a mesh stops are insects.

Thanks to 100% polyethylene, mesh is strong and durable. Plus, it forms an effective barrier when installed over garden netting hoops.

Depending on the tissue’s density, nets prevent pests’ entry into greenhouses and hothouses. The size, of course, depends on what the farm grows. Not all pests attack the same type of plants, affecting the kind of netting.

Nets for orchards and vineyards are 17 mesh in size. They protect the greenhouse from wasps, flies, and moths, which is particularly valuable with table grapes.

Nets of 25 mesh are usually at the side opening of the greenhouse. This mesh type is the smallest size, preventing the tomato moth from entering the construction. The net must be buried at half a meter depth so the larvae won’t get into the production space’s interior.

Standard insect-proof nets for managing ventilation surfaces are 50 mesh in size. The material is UV-resistant and woven using the monofilament technique. They block the entrance of lice, thrips, whiteflies, and leaf miners.

40 mesh or 32 mesh uses optical and physical means of thrips control. It is an excellent solution for growing peppers but also suitable for any other kind that is sensitive to thrips. The net is installed on the sides.

So, consider what type of protection your plants need before choosing which one to buy.

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What are the benefits of having an anti-insect net?

The reasons why insect mesh net is a must-have in gardening:

1. It protects plants from pest attacks. Plus, you’re saving yourself from the risk of allergies,
2. It is a small investment, a lot less pricey than losing plants due to insects,
3. The good quality one is long-lasting,
4. It is durable in harsh weather and anti-corrosion,
5. There are different mesh sizes & dimensions, depending on the plants’ needs,
6. It is easy to set it up, not much effort,
7. It has UV stabilization and it doesn’t have a thermal effect,
8. Anti-insect net is non-toxic, environmentally friendly
9. The use of insecticides will be reduced
10. Green pollution-free food will increase.

Putting a physical block helps decrease the need for garden chemicals.
Garden chemicals break down into many elements, some of which are metabolites. As you may not be aware, metabolites tend to be toxic, meaning pesticides can harm humans.

insect netting
insect netting

Insect-proof meshes give security against insects, often without meaningful increases in temperature. Besides, it is adequate protection against wind. They also block heavy rain. And that means reducing the damage that big raindrops can do to ground structures.

When the plant is quite infected with many pests, even pesticides cannot help. That is another reason why netting is a better option. And, of course, more sheltering leads to healthier plants and larger crops.

What are the disadvantages of anti-insect netting?

Anti-insect netting might not be for you, depending on the type of plants you’re growing. Nets don’t have any thermal effects. And it is even increasing temperature. But it can still cause some problems. If your crops need to be provided with extra warmth or frost protection, this is not the right product for you.
The anti-insect netting may, on the other side, encourage slugs and even some diseases.

When the plant grows under the mesh, the humidity level is high. This can cause illness in the plant, such as Botrytis or downy mildew.

Slugs and snails may be attracted by the high humidity beneath the mesh as well.
Even if it is not a recommendation, sometimes you must uncover your plants. The reason is, as you may conclude, restricted access to weeds. But once you discover it, pests are likely to enter the mesh. And once they do, they will multiply quickly.
If the mesh touches the crop foliage, insects can lay eggs through the net.
However, if the installation was properly done, this is rarely the case.
As we said, the anti-insect nets are suitable for strawberries and courgettes.
However, these plants shouldn’t be grown under mesh during their flowering season.

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How to use anti-insect netting?

Cover plants or seeds right after planting or sowing. Please ensure the pests have not already infected your plants, and then leave them covered until harvest.

Be careful so plants don’t become cramped because they grow under net covers. Take care when covering so that plants have enough space to grow.

The most crucial point to remember about ant-insect netting is that it needs to cover the whole crop, from top to bottom. Insects, even butterflies, will find any hollow, no matter how tiny.

The most popular way they see themselves entering is when the net rests on the ground. That way, the recommendation is to buy the wider net. In that way, you can bury it in the soil at the edges.
Don’t remove the net when you water your plants. Just let the water pass through it. Only remove it during flowering if crops depend on bee pollination.

What kind of plants should you cover?

Any vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, celery, spinach, onions, and lettuce. From the fruit, it should be strawberries, raspberries, and currants.

What are you exactly protected from with anti-insect nets?

If you buy the correct mesh from any destructive insect that attacks crops and livestock. The most common are tobacco whiteflies, leaf miners, aphids, and thrips.

Bear in mind that for valid production, it is not enough to install the anti-insect net alone. You must perform other actions. A neglected greenhouse is a source of diseases and pests for plants. So, successful vegetable production includes a well-maintained area. That includes destroying weeds next to all greenhouse openings and cleaning and disinfecting the greenhouse.

insect netting fine mesh
insect netting fine mesh

How to choose a good manufacturer?

The tip is to consider the following points, which should determine your choice of insect netting:
1. Price (don’t forget to check how postage cost),
2. Expected life extent (is it long-lasting),
3. The amount of light that will go within the mesh (you don’t want to take away the sunlight from your plants),
4. The mesh’s weight is essential. It is supposed to be light, especially if you plan to place it on your plants without aid,
5. The manufacturer’s reputation is crucial. Don’t buy mesh on the internet without reading about the fabric. If you do so, it may be a fraud; in that case, you won’t receive what you thought the product would be.

EyouAgro produces everything in the family-run factory and stocks directly to the farmers. That means the buyers are aware of who they are buying. There is no mediator, which saves the client money. No mediator means no one is taking percent.
Twenty-five years of experience guarantee quality. However, it is important to note that the material is 100% virgin high-density polypropylene.
The warranty is five years so the buyers can be calm and sure they will be protected from pests.


Agriculture is one of the biggest industries, which means it is a worthy cause for job creation worldwide and plays a crucial role in the country’s economy. But what is so good about it? It enables people to make their own food, which, if done correctly, will be high-quality.

For thousands of years, agricultural development was prolonged. Now, the situation has finally changed. Technology has made the job easier and more successful. Anti-insect netting is an outstanding ally for all farmers.

As we have seen, using this product has an unwanted side effect. But there is no perfect product, only one close to perfection. Anti-insect netting is the best we have in the fight against pests.

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Hey, I’m Kevin Lyu, the founder of eyouagro.com , Family-run business
An expert of agriculture protection textile specialist .
In the past 26 years, we have helped 55 countries and 150+ Clients like farms, orchards , vineyards to protect their plants. The purpose of this article is to share with the knowledge related to agriculture growing protection for making the plant healthier and stronger.
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