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How to Grow Grapes under Tunnel Netting

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Here is the benefits of growing grapes under tunnel netting.
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Grapes are a fruit that has been around for thousands of years, and they have been grown in every climate through time. While the grapes can grow without being covered, you may want to protect them from pests or harsh weather by covering them with tunnel netting. This is especially true if you live in a cold region where the grapevines may not survive without some insulation.

Tunnel Netting is found to increase fruit yield by 50%, holds humidity, and keep the crop free from insects and diseases. The cost for this technique is low and the installation process takes about a week.

What is Tunnel Netting

Tunnel netting is a series of light frames connected by wires are erected at intervals along the row to support the net and hold it away from the tree.

The nets are placed over the frame only when the fruit approaches maturity and are taken down after harvest.

Netting is regarded as an environmentally friendly and socially responsible approach to the problem of vertebrate pest control.

Benefits of Growing Grapes under Tunnel Netting

Growing grapes under tunnel netting have many advantages. It,

  • Protects from pests and diseases
  • Helps prevent early crop loss due to frost damage
  • Permits early sowing due to its ability to provide heat
  • Allows for late harvesting due to its ability to protect crops from frost damage
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How to Grow Grapes Under Tunnel Netting?

Step 1: Select an area with well-drained soil.

The site should receive at least six hours of direct sunlight daily. Dig a hole at least 2 feet deep that is large enough to accommodate the vine’s roots without bending them or crowding them together.

Step 2: Place the vine in the hole and backfill with soil

Place the vine in the hole and backfill with soil, covering all but two buds on the crown of the plant. Water thoroughly then mulch with straw or wood chips to retain moisture and suppress weeds.

Step 3: Install the high tunnel over top of the vines when they reach 4 inches tall.

The tunnel should be 8 feet wide by 10 feet long with a center height of 6 feet. You can create your high tunnel or purchase one online. The tunnels are not heated but can raise temperature levels by about 10 degrees Fahrenheit during winter months, which protects vines from potentially damaging winter frosts and freezes.

Step 4: Use Vineyard Netting

Provided a suitable mesh size is chosen, the net can protect against a wide range of potential problem animals such as

  • Flying foxes
  • Birds
  • Fruit piercing moths
  • Fruit flies, wallabies
  • Hares, and possums.

 Appropriate netting can also protect orchards from wind and hail damage.

Step 4: Install end walls for the tunnel

You should Install end walls for the tunnel so that you may prop open the doors during warm weather days and humid nights to aid in ventilation.

Step 5: Construct four hoops out of a 3/4 inch galvanized pipe.

The hoops should be spaced 3 feet apart along each side of the structure, with one end being lower than the other so that they form an arch with a slope of 30 degrees when connected by twine or wire at each corner

Step 7: Secure 6-foot cable ties to each hoop

Secure 6-foot cable ties to each hoop and secure them around three wooden stakes placed equidistant from one another around each hoop

Step 8: Water regularly

Water your vineyard during dry weather, providing 1 inch of water weekly throughout the growing season. Use a soaker hose or drip irrigation system. Apply a balanced fertilizer such as 10-10-10 once each month.

Tips 9: Wait until your vines grow up to 4 inches

Wait until your vines grow up to 4 inches tall before installing tunnel netting over them to protect them for the rest of the season and beyond. Tunnel netting is made out of durable plastic materials

Features of Tunnel Netting

Here are the key characteristics of tunnel netting.

 FactorTunnel Netting
Support structureLightweight and low-cost
Net qualityInexpensive lightweight nets can be employed.
MaintenanceTo avoid net damage during application and removal, frames must be smooth.
Portability and multi-useNets can be moved between different types of vines that ripen at different periods
Net lifespanUsed for about two months of the year. Nets, even those that are inexpensive, can be reused for several years.
Tree growth and pruningPrune trees to maintain the canopy within the frames. Put out nets as late as possible and take them in straight after harvest to minimize damage by branches growing through them
PollinationNo effect on pollination as the nets are put out after pollination takes place.
Pest predatorsThe nets are only in place for a brief time, minimizing the impact on the orchard’s environment
Machinery useWith machinery moving between the rows, care must be taken not to damage the nets. Some orchard tasks, including pruning, can be hampered by poles and frames.
Harvest operationsHarvesting can be slowed by the requirement to lift nets before plucking.

Where to Source Netting for Your Tunnels?

Protect your orchard from hail bird and insect damage. The Eyouagro vineyard netting is made of

  • Eco-friendly and safe polypropylene material
  • Hdpe that withstands harsh weather
  • Lightweight yet heavy-duty
  • Long-lasting 5 to 8 years
  • Customizable sizes to your needs

Types of Vineyard Netting

You can choose among the following available types of vineyard Netting available depending on your special circumstances: 

 Vineyard NettingMesh size (mm)Weight(g/m2)Features
1Vineyard drape netting15 by 1535Cost-effective bird protection strong selvage5 years warranty
2Vineyard side netting8.5×2.5/260Narrow width placed on sides
3Vineyard hail netting8.5 by 2.855Heavy-dutyInnovative designLeno woven mesh5-year warranty 
4Vineyard insect netting8.5 by 1.0/290Insect protection


Birds are popular among some people, as they have massive cultural benefits in our society. They help in pollination and other things, so it is fair to control them with friendly methods. Consider the social consequences of bird control methods before employing one. Use the least intrusive form of control such as netting. 

 At EyouAgro, we know how bad it is to lose your cherry fruits due to birds. It results in huge losses, and a cherry grower’s recovery might take a long period. We’ve discovered the most effective method for preventing cherry fruit from birds is through bird netting products

Kindly contact us at Info@EyouAgro.com for inquiries to fill your orders.

Hey, I’m Kevin Lyu, the founder of eyouagro.com , Family-run business
An expert of agriculture protection textile specialist .
In the past 26 years, we have helped 55 countries and 150+ Clients like farms, orchards , vineyards to protect their plants. The purpose of this article is to share with the knowledge related to agriculture growing protection for making the plant healthier and stronger.
We are at your disposal for any technical or commercial information


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