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8 Quick Tips Regarding Sowing Cabbage in a Seedbed

If you want to grow cabbage in your nursery bed, there are some tips to follow which will help improve germination rates and the overall yield of your harvest. Here are tips on sowing cabbage seeds in a nursery bed.
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Cabbage is a popular vegetable which you can grow on your greenhouse or farm. However, some people find it quite challenging to sow cabbage seeds. Growing cabbage in a nursery bed is much easier than growing it in the ground.

If you want to grow cabbage in your nursery bed, there are some tips to follow which will help improve germination rates and the overall yield of your harvest. Here are tips on sowing cabbage seeds in a nursery bed.

Buy Cabbage Seeds from a Reputable Seller

If you purchase cabbage seeds from a reputable seller, you can be sure that the seeds are viable and will grow into healthy heads of cabbage.

If you’re planning to purchase seeds, it’s important to know what type of cabbage you’re interested in growing. Some types are better for eating fresh, while others are better for cooking or making sauerkraut.

Some popular varieties include:

  • Brunswick
  • Late flat Dutch
  • January King
  • Golden Acre
  • Charleston Wakefield
  • Red Acre
  • Mammoth Red Rock

Choose a Spot to Sow Your Cabbage Seeds

The first step of sowing cabbage seeds in a nursery bed is to choose the location for your farm. When deciding where you want to plant these vegetables, it is important to consider what time of year it will be planted and how much sun the slot gets daily.

Generally speaking, cabbages require about six hours of direct sunlight per day so that they can grow properly. If there are shading issues or not enough lighting available at any given time during the growing season, then some type of supplemental light source should be used such as grow lights.

Another factor when choosing an area for this crop is analyzing soil conditions. Cabbage plants need loose soils which allow proper root development; however, if drainage isn’t good then excess water may cause problems

cabbage, red cabbage, white cabbage-4548054.jpg

Prepare Soil for Sowing Cabbage Seeds

Now that you have chosen an area for your cabbage nursery bed, it is important to prepare the soil to achieve maximum production. Digging up the topsoil with a shovel or spade and adding manure, compost, lime or fertilizer will help ensure proper drainage of water through the garden plot.

When working on preparing soil be sure not to add too many nitrogen-rich materials such as manure because this can increase leaf growth at the expense of forming heads

Sowing Your Cabbage Seeds in a Nursery Bed

Sow your seeds in rows to ensure you keep track of each variety and to thin the plants. The most common method for planting in rows is called double-digging, which means that you dig down at least 10 inches (25 centimeters) and then turn the soil over. This loosens the soil greatly and allows for excellent drainage. When finished, the area should be level with the surrounding ground so water will not pool on top of it.

If you can’t dig this deep, you can create a shallow furrow with a hoe or spade by dragging it along the ground to make an inch-deep trench. This will still help with drainage, just not as much as double-digging. Plant seeds 2 inches (5 centimeters) apart.

Cover Your Cabbage Seeds with Soil

Once you sow cabbage seeds in a nursery bed cover them with soil. Sprinkle some soil over these vegetables until there is about an inch or so thick on top of them; however, be sure not to cover your plants completely because this can cause problems for their growth later on down the line

When you have covered your cabbage seedlings with one inch worth of soil it should be smooth and even out nicely.

Watering Your Cabbage Seedlings

Watering cabbage in a seedbed helps to suppress weeds and keeps the soil moist, which allows cabbages to develop strong roots that will hold up well when transplanted into the garden later in the season.

Cabbage grown in a seedbed can endure temperatures of about 20 F before it is severely damaged. This means that if you live where winter temperatures dip below this level, you might need to cover your cabbage Seedbed with fleece or mulch to protect the young plants from the cold.

Regulate the Temperature and  Humidity

The best temperature for germinating cabbage seed is between 68 to 75 degrees F. You can use incandescent light, which will emit the right temperature, or you can use a heating pad. Just be careful to keep the temperature at 68 to 75 degrees F.

The humidity of the cabbage seedbed should be about 65 percent. You can increase the humidity by setting your greenhouse. Be sure to readjust the moisture level every once in a while as it will dry out.

To decrease humidity, you regulate the greenhouse, you can also use a plastic bag filled with moist peat moss and placed over the cabbage seedbed.

Control Incidences of Cabbage Diseases

Protect your cabbage from diseases in the seedbed by spacing the seeds 1/4 to 1/2 inch apart and covering them with a light layer of vermiculite.

Most cabbage diseases are caused by moisture, so keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. Be sure to water from the bottom, so that water does not collect on the leaves. Let the soil dry out between waterings, but don’t let it get bone dry.

Also remember to watch for common pests such as cabbage worms, cutworms, looper, and other pests. They can cause substantial damage to your cabbage seedlings. To ensure quality seedlings you should be aware of these pests and how to get rid of them.


Nursery beds are an important part of sowing your cabbage seeds. They provide a place to grow seedlings that will eventually be transplanted into your farms or fields for harvest. Cabbage seeds should be sown directly on top of the soil without covering them with mulch because they need light to germinate properly. Once you have sown you can use netting products for energy saving and dissipating.

The netting products can be sourced from Eyouagro. At Eyouagro we weave custom high-quality netting products to any weight or dimension. To request your order contact us and we will help you to decide on your customized netting products.

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