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Growing Asian Pears – Everything You Need To Know

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Here is everything you need to know to grow Asian pears commercially.

Are you curious about growing Asian pears commercially? Would you like to spend your time, energy, and efforts in profitable Asia Pear farming? Thanks to the world’s growing Asian pears Industry. Pear growers are increasing and reaping profits.

Asian pears produce at a young age and are very versatile making them suited for growers who want to diversify fruit orchards.

Here is everything you need to know to grow Asian pears commercially.

What are Asian Pears

Asian pears, also known as sand pears are grown in many different regions of the world.

The fruit is best known for its crisp texture and refreshing sweet taste. Its popularity worldwide is due to its delicious flavor and texture.

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Asian pear tree

How to Choose the Right Asian Pear Tree for Your Growing Area and Climate:

There are several varieties of Asian pear that you can choose from among them:

  • Hosui,
  • Shinko,
  • Nijisseiki,
  • Kikusui
  • Hachiya.

The varieties are distinguished by the texture of their flesh which is either firm or tender.

The Hosui variety has firm flesh while the Shinko variety has tender flesh. Additionally, these varieties of Asian pear may also be identified by their shape. The Kikusui variety is known for its elongated shape while the Hachiya variety is rounded.

You will want to choose an Asian pear variety that best matches your growing area and climate.

How to Propagate, Graft, Thin, Prune and Pollinate Asian Pears

Here are some management practices for growing  Asian pear :


The easiest way you propagate an Asian pear tree is by taking cuttings from the tips of new shoots that are about 8 inches long. Plant your cuttings in a nursery bed and keep them watered regularly until it begins to sprout leaves and roots. Then, transplant it into your permanent planting area.


You can also propagate an Asian pear tree through grafting onto rootstocks such as seedlings of Poncirus trifoliata (the hardy orange). This is done by taking a 3-4 inch part of  a healthy tree


The Asian pear trees need pollination to produce fruit, so you must plant multiple varieties at the same time. Alternatively, you can hand-pollinate your trees each year with pollen from another variety of Asian pear trees.

Thinning and Pruning

Next, after your apple trees reach maturity, it’s time for thinning and pruning. This is done in winter when trees shed leaves and sunlight penetrates deep into the branches.

Protect Your Asian Pears from Hail

Hail is one of the worst weather conditions for pears. Hail can destroy your entire pear orchard, resulting in long-term productivity losses.

Hail protection netting is the most effective hail protection technique for preventing the innumerable damages caused by hail. Why the hail protection netting?

  • Rising demand for pristine fruit among customers. You will have difficulty selling second grade will be difficult to sell.
  • The initial investment in developing an intensive apple orchard is high. So you can’t afford to lose their pears for two years in a row due to hail.
  • Buyers are looking for dependable pear supplies. You might not be able to ensure that if you don’t have hail protection.

Furthermore, a hail protection system can provide a variety of additional advantages such as

  • Bird protection
  • Protection from sunburn.
  • There is less wind, and the temperature is more stable.

Polyethylene fabric is used to make hail protection netting. The hail nettings are designed to match the needs of your pears.

Various types of netting installation systems are available. For example, with the flat system, hail protection netting is laid horizontally to allow machines to pass through without issue.

The hail protection netting can be expensive. Hail structures are usually tall and designed to carry thousands of tons of ice. The cables need a lot of tension put on them with sophisticated equipment. Installing them usually necessitates very specialized and expensive manpower and equipment. The average cost per acre is $11,000 to $16,000.

Prevent from Pests and Diseases

Pests and diseases can cause considerable damage to your Asian pear orchard. Here are some of the most common pests and diseases you might encounter on your Asian pear orchard:

Leaf Roller Caterpillar

The leaf roller caterpillar feeds on a variety of plants, including pears. They are hard to spot because they feed at night and hide when it is light. Because the caterpillar feeds on leaves, it can have a serious negative impact on your tree, causing leaf drop and fruit deformation.

Bacterial Canker

Bacterial canker is a soft rot that attacks the twigs and branches of a tree. It’s caused by a bacterium that invades wounds in the bark of trees caused by pruning, hail,21st-century, or other sources of damage. Infected trees don’t survive for more than two years after infection and need to be removed before they infect other trees in the orchard.

Blight (Fire Blight)

Fire blight is caused by the bacteria Erwinia amylovora and can be found worldwide in temperate regions where apples, pears,


The birds love Asian pears! Birds will eat the fruit before you even realize it. It can cause you to be very discouraged about growing these trees for commercial use. But you can control the birds away from your precious fruits through fruit tree bird netting so that you can get the most value possible out of them.

How to Harvest and Store Your Asian Pears

Harvest your Asian pears when the fruit is fully ripe. Occasionally Asian pears do not ripen on the tree. If this occurs, you can pick the fruit and allow it to ripen at room temperature.

To harvest an Asian pear:

  •  Pull the stem of the fruit gently until it comes off easily.
  • Take care not to damage the pear as you remove it from the tree.
  • After harvesting your first batch of fruit, check each remaining pear individually to ensure that it is ready to come down from the tree.
  • Take care when handling and moving your harvest.

The best way to store your Asian pears is to store them at 32 degrees Celsius (90 degrees Fahrenheit) and 90% relative humidity.

Future Trends in Growing Asian Pears

The demand for Asian pears is growing faster than production can keep up with. At the same time, purchasing power and consumption patterns of people continue to change. These changes have resulted in an increased demand for Asian pears, which has also introduced new challenges to apple growers looking to supply this popular produce item to consumers.

The development of the World Asian pear Gowing industry has been very rapid. With research, extension work, training pear growers, and applying technologies, It will continue to increase.


The versatility of Asian pears makes them a great crop for commercial growers with diverse orchards. The success of many different Asian pear varieties worldwide is encouraging apple growers to make space in their orchards for this fruit.

EyouAgro provides the best netting products for your successful commercial growing of Asian pears. Our netting products are cost-effective and come with a warranty. We have all types of netting products and accessories as per your requirement. Our goal is to make your life easy as an apple grower and help you take good care of your fruits.

Kindly visit https://eyouagro.com or email us at info@eyouagro.com for more information on our products.

Hey, I’m Kevin Lyu, the founder of eyouagro.com , Family-run business
An expert of agriculture protection textile specialist .
In the past 26 years, we have helped 55 countries and 150+ Clients like farms, orchards , vineyards to protect their plants. The purpose of this article is to share with the knowledge related to agriculture growing protection for making the plant healthier and stronger.
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