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Insect Netting: The Comprehensive Guide (2025)

1,282 words, 7 minutes read time
insect netting
The Insect nets will keep your plants healthy and protect them from insects. Practicing crop farming is great. Knowing how to protect your crops from insects is better.


Practicing crop farming is excellent. Knowing how to protect your crops from insects is better.
But you can do both and get the most out of your crops—high-quality yields.

So, the question is: How do you protect your crop from insects?
Here’s the comprehensive insect netting guide (2025).

Just keep calm and continue reading.

What Are the Advantages and Role of Insect Netting?

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You will find many insects everywhere you look in the garden compound.
Science says there are over 200 million insects for every person globally!

While some of these insects benefit your crops, many are destructive. They attack and eat your crops – leaves, stems, roots, and every other part. Moreover, they spread diseases that can wipe out your whole crops. Your crop growth becomes stunted.

Well, isn’t it heartbreaking? Yep, you need to know the insects that affect your crops.
Then, you can take action. How can you protect your crops without harming insects through pesticides?

Insect netting is gaining popularity as crop farmers are discovering its benefits.
Here’s what you will gain by netting

  • Pest Control:
    Your farm is protected from harmful insects and pests. However, the protection does not stop there; beneficial insects are kept inside your netting, pollinating your crops.
  • Disease Prevention:
    The insects spread diseases that can affect your crops. The net will block this insect, and your crops will become disease-free.
  • Regulate the Temperature, Soil, and Humidity:
    Your crops will not experience bad weather conditions. The net offers protection from winds, heavy rain, and hailstones. This is good even for sensitive crops such as cabbages and greens.
  • Block Sunlight:
    The net has a shading effect in your garden because it transmits less sunlight.
  • Reduce the use of pesticides:
    Using insecticides on your crops is hazardous for the plants and environment. Netting doesn’t need insecticides.

Where to Use?

Good question.

The net can be used everywhere you’re farming. In a greenhouse, for example, Insect netting can provide a mesh screen at openings such as doors and vents.

Here are some more areas where you can use netting.

  • Plant: Install insect netting directly over your plants to create small tunnels. The net is ideal for stopping more minor pests from damaging plants and protects against wind, rain, and hailstones.
  • Garden: The netting protects your fruit and vegetable plants from pests, supports climbing plants, and prevents weather damage
  • Fruit trees: It protects your trees from fruit flies and months.
    Studies by Research Gate reported a decrease in damage when using the net.

Which Insects Does Insect Netting Protect Against?

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The nets will keep your plants healthy and protect them from insects.
The netting protects against the Aphids.
The aphids come colored and suck juices from your plants. They attack all plants, although they mostly attack cauliflower plants.

The netting will also protect against thrips, an insect pest that damages fruits and vegetables, including leaves, roots, and flowers. They mainly attack turnips.

Another harmful insect is the whitefly. The insect sucks plant sap and spread many diseases. They usually attack courgettes.

Similarly, cutworms chew young plants’ stems and kill them. Other insects include beetles, cabbage moths, bugs, leafhoppers, snails, slugs, and root maggots.

cta insect netting
Stop Right Insects
Unsure which netting works best for whiteflies,  aphids, or thrips?
Let us match the right netting to your insect control needs.

What’s the Material And Structure of the Insect Netting?

The insect netting is made of High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) with a woven structure. The net material is also UV-stabilized, helping protect your garden from extreme sun rays while maintaining proper air circulation.

Apart from UV, the net is light in weight, which makes its installation in your garden easier.

The net structure is woven.
It is constructed with a strong monofilament that provides extra tensile strength.
The weaving prevents unraveling when cut. The weaving conforms to shade percentage and mesh density. This structure results in maximum air circulation in your garden.

raschel knitted vs woven logo
raschel knitted vs woven logo

The Most Popular Types of Insect Netting’s Mesh

Various insect nets are available, each designed to target specific pests in different regions.
Below are some of the most common mesh sizes and their uses:

Mesh SizeMesh Hole Size (mm)DescriptionProtection Against
17 Mesh1.42 x 1.42 mmA more open mesh suitable for larger pests, offering excellent air circulation while protecting crops.Larger insects like caterpillars, beetles
25 Mesh0.77 x 0.77 mmCoarser mesh ideal for larger crops, protecting orchards and vineyards from harmful pests.Fruit flies in orchards and vineyards
32 Mesh0.60 x 0.60 mmA specific choice for preventing fruit flies, especially in pepper crops.Fruit flies in peppers
40 Mesh0.77 x 0.40 mmMedium-sized mesh that still protects against whiteflies but is less effective under certain weather conditions.Whiteflies (partly), aphids (in milder conditions)
50 Mesh0.77 x 0.27 mmFine mesh that provides effective protection for gardens. Suitable for most smaller insects.Whiteflies, aphids, leaf miners
75 Mesh0.45 x 0.15 mmVery fine mesh, providing the highest level of protection against a wide variety of insects.Whiteflies, thrips, aphids, and other tiny pests in delicate crops
cta insect netting
Choose Right Mesh
Unsure about 25, 40, or 50 mesh,75mesh?
We’ll help you select the ideal option for your pest control strategy.

How to Buy the Insect Netting?

When you decide to buy insect netting, there are considerations to make. For instance, which insect do you need to protect?
With so many types of nets, you must know what you are trying to stop. Different types of insects and pests are attracted to other crops and the sunlight, moisture, and ventilation they need.

What color do you need?

Select your preferred color.
Research by research gate on tomato plants grown under various Colored nets showed.

  • Yellow and blue nets had a lower population of thrips, whiteflies, and aphids.
  • White, grey, and -colored nets have a lower mite population.
  • The neutral-color resulted in higher yields.

What size do you need?

You should have an idea of where you will use the netting. If it is draped over supports, look for soft netting. Also, know how much sunlight, moisture, and ventilation your crops need.

Installation Accessories

Once you purchase the net, you should get some accessories, such as ties, fixings, pegs, and clips, to match it.

Buy ground cover pegs for securing the netting in place. Ground pegs are ideal for mesh netting or net claw pegs. They secure the net and release the netting easily.

Pick also the polyester monofilament wire. It is lighter than metal and will make your installation easy and faster than wire.

Installation Methods

There are two main ways to install your insect netting: a full canopy or a tunnel. The two methods vary in cost and are safe for your crops.

You can also use the net with

  • Net houses – lightweight frames with poles and cables that support the net
  • Greenhouses – air vents are covered with nets, or all of the walls of the greenhouse are made of nets
  • Walk-in tunnels- wholly covered with nets or covered with net and PE sheets

Unfold the net or, if using last year, untangle it. It will unfold quickly. Make sure you leave no gaps or openings in the netting. Secure your netting on the ground with weights such as bricks or blocks.

  • Arrange the plants and crops where you want to install the netting.
  • Lay a net over the plants. Ensure you provide space for plants to grow.
  • Remove the cover when harvesting, pollination, and weeding.

You should avoid tearing the net during the installation.

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Request a Quote
Need pricing for your insect nets?
Get a custom quote based on your specific farm or greenhouse needs.


EyouAgro Company provides quality insect netting to its clients. The brand also offers a warranty to customers when they buy its products. However, the warranty only applies when certain set conditions are met. In a normal situation, the nets have a 5-year warranty.


You will agree that protecting your crop from insects is not daunting. We are confident that if you follow our entire comprehensive guide for 2024, your crops will continue to thrive and give you maximum yields.

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Hey, I’m Kevin Lyu, the founder of eyouagro.com , Family-run business
An expert of agriculture protection textile specialist .
In the past 26 years, we have helped 55 countries and 150+ Clients like farms, orchards , vineyards to protect their plants. The purpose of this article is to share with the knowledge related to agriculture growing protection for making the plant healthier and stronger.
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