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How to Remedy Your Orchard after The Hailstorm

3,072 words, 16 minutes read time
hail storm
Hail storms cause damage to crops and trees. Eyouagro will go over what needs to be done following a hailstorm.

Every year, hail storms cause damage to crops and trees. If you are one of the unlucky people who just had their orchard destroyed by a hailstorm, this article is for you. Eyouagro will go over what needs to be done following a hailstorm.


Hail! Hail! Hail! If Hail has hit your farm, it can be devastating to your orchard. Fortunately for you, there are a few steps that you can take to protect and rehabilitate your trees and plants. Eyouagro offers hail netting that will protect from hail storms and other natural disasters such as wind damage.

How does hail form?

When the surface of the water is exposed to the sun vaporization, and then rose to the air, a lot of water vapor together, condensing into clouds, encountering cold air liquefaction, the dust in the air as condensation nuclei, the formation of raindrops, more and more large, more clouds can not hold, it rained.

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If you encounter cold air and no condensation nuclei, water vapor will condense into ice or snow, it is snow.

If the temperature drops sharply, it will form a larger ice mass, which is hail.

Ordinary thunderstorm clouds (cumulonimbus clouds) may produce thunderstorms, while only particularly vigorously developed thunderstorm clouds, with very high cloud bodies, strong updrafts and downdrafts in the clouds, and very abundant water vapor within the clouds, will produce and form hail, and such clouds are usually also called hail clouds.

Hail clouds are vigorously developed convective clouds, whose thickness can reach more than 17 km and can carry 30,000 tons of hail floating in the air, mostly appearing at the turn of spring and summer and in summer, with cloudy, confused, and tumbling powerful at the bottom of the cloud, mostly accompanied by horizontal lightning.

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Hail clouds are a kind of convective clouds similar to thunderstorm clouds, which are about two times more violent than the development of thunderstorm clouds that thunder and rain. Hail clouds are very tall, and there are very strong convective air movements in the clouds, and there is abundant moisture inside the clouds.

Conditions for hail formation

thunderstorm, storm,Hailstorm
Hailstorm mountains

1. A fairly thick unstable layer must be present in the atmosphere.

2. Cumulonimbus clouds must develop to temperatures that allow individual large droplets to freeze (generally up to -12 to -16°C).

3. There must be strong wind shear.

4. The vertical thickness of the cloud must not be less than 6 to 8 kilometers.

5. The cumulonimbus clouds are rich in water content. It is generally 3 to 8 grams per cubic meter, and there is an accumulation zone of liquid supercooled water above the maximum ascent velocity.

6. There should be an inclined, strong and uneven updraft within the cloud, generally above 10 to 20 m/s.

Main features

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  1. Strong localization. The impact area of each hailstorm is generally about tens of meters to thousands of meters wide and hundreds of meters to more than ten kilometers long.

2. Short duration. A violent storm or hailstorm generally lasts only 2 to 10 minutes, with a few over 30 minutes.

3. Significantly influenced by terrain. The more complex the terrain, the more likely hail will occur.

4. Large inter-annual variation. In the same area, there are years when it occurs several times in a row, and some years when it occurs very few times or even not at all.

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5. Wide occurrence area. It can occur in a wide climate zone from subtropical to temperate zones, but it occurs most often in temperate zones, mainly in mid-latitude continental areas, usually more in the north than in the south, more in the mountains than in the plains, and more inland than in the coast. This distribution feature is related to large-scale cold air activity and topography.

6. Seasonality. Hail mostly occurs from April to October. During this period, warm air is active and cold air is active, so hail is easily produced. Generally speaking, hailfall mostly occurs in spring, summer, and autumn.

7. Temporality. In terms of the time of day, the most frequent occurrence is from afternoon to evening, because the convection is strongest during this time. The duration of hail is not long, usually only a few minutes, but there are some that last for ten minutes.

Suspense of Hailstorm

Suppose, past few weeks, and you have been going through rough. A hailstorm has left many orchards damaged and the trees bare.

However, there are some emergency remedies to help get those crops back on track!
We will go over these remedies in this blog post so that you can best care for your orchard after a hailstorm.

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Primary Response to Hailstorm

The first question you’ll need to ask yourself is whether or not the storm was localized. If so, then it’s likely that only a few trees were damaged. And those can be remedied by cutting them down and planting new ones in their place.

  • After hailstorm, the leaves of fruit trees are damaged, or broken or fallen. If the amount of leaf damage is large, the amount of photosynthetic products generated is reduced, resulting in a lower accumulation of nutrients in the tree, which affects the tree potential, or fruit expansion.
  • After hailstorm, branches or bark are smashed and the resulting wounds are easily invaded by branch diseases such as rots and dry rot, and extend the damage, resulting in trunk or branch disease.
  • After hailstorm, the fruit bags fall off and the fruit is injured, or the fruit quality is affected, or the fruit is damaged by the invasion of anthracnose, verticillium, black and red dot disease, etc. to form rotten fruit.
  • After the hailstorm, the fruit trees are damaged and timely countermeasures should be taken to ensure normal growth of the trees and the economic benefits this year.

Here, we’ve listed out some primary responses to a hail storm to remedy orchard:

Prune as early as possible, and actively work on the cleanup of the orchard.

  Prune the severely damaged fruit branches as early as possible, shorten the branches that have been broken or damaged too much, cut the fruits that have been smashed more than half or wounded too much, cut the old and new leaves that have been severely broken or torn, and cut the hanging branches that have been torn to promote the new shoot. For fruit loss too much, branches and leaves disorderly plants can be thinned, and the leaves, branches and fruits in the orchard for centralized processing, in order to prevent the spread of disease breeding when the climate is mild and rainy.

Spraying, carefully do the prevention of disease invasion.

  After the hail damage to apples, there will be wounds all over the tree, which provides favorable conditions for the rots to invade the tree, in addition to the leaves being also knocked off a lot, the tree is weak and cannot resist the infection of the disease, if not timely control will cause the rots to occur on a large scale. Spray plant growth regulators, foliar fertilizers, and disease prevention agents in a timely manner 2-3 days after the disaster. If the leaves of the tree are seriously damaged, timely spraying of a large amount of elements foliar fertilizer, potassium, boron foliar fertilizer, etc., to promote the recovery of tree growth. Protect the fruit from the damage caused by the invasion of pathogens and reduce the occurrence of diseases. At the same time, pharmaceuticals are applied to dry to protect the trunk and to promote wound healing and rapid growth recovery.

Supplementary fertilizer to restore the tree as soon as possible.

  Seriously affected by the tree growth of fruit trees should be timely supplemental fertilizer to restore the tree. Young trees to take the diligent application of thin, first light and then thick, avoid a fertilizer too thick; fruit trees early application of stable fruit fertilizer.

Take good care measures to ensure the normal growth of fruit trees.

  The main thing is to protect the fruit, first of all, when pruning try to protect the lightly wounded fruit as well as have 2-4 light wounds can still develop mature fruit. Because of the wound healing ability of injured young fruit, although the impact on the commercial value, little impact on the food value. Next is to protect the new and old leaves with lighter damage and promote the normal growth of fruit trees.

Unclogging the soil.

In some orchards, when the rain and wind, and then with a large number of hail falling, as the ground tamped general, the surface soil denseness increased, so that the permeability of the soil becomes poor, coupled with the melting of hail needs to absorb heat so that the root system in the very poor growth environment. In order to enable the root system to quickly resume growth, timely irrigation with soil loosening treatment agent, there are a variety of drugs used for root irrigation, as long as the root growth of fruit trees, loosening the soil and other drugs can be. Generally, no deep tillage soil loosening and conditioning agent + brassinolide + amino acid water-soluble fertilizer, root irrigation treatment, to eliminate soil consolidation, improve the activity of the root system, has a good role in promoting.

After the hailstorm, countermeasures should be actively taken to maximize the economic benefits while also restoring the normal growth of the tree as soon as possible to ensure the next year’s production*

Now that you’ve done all this work to restore your orchard after a hailstorm, it’s time to start planting!

5 ways to Remedy Your Orchard After the Hailstorm

  1. If there are hailstones still on the ground, remove them as soon as possible.
  2. Once they have been removed and before the ground is tilled, it would be a good idea to apply an herbicide containing ammonium sulphate or potassium chloride. These chemicals will stop any damage from plants that might grow in your area.
  3. Make sure to remove any hailstones on the trees, as these can cause damage or injury when they fall. It is also good to prune branches of lower limbs and leaves that a hailstorm might have damaged.
  4. Replace fallen hail netting with Eyouagro netting if it could not protect your orchard from the storm.
  5. Water your orchard as needed to help it recover from the damage that has been done.

You can remedy your orchard by going through the steps above. If you are looking for hail netting, Eyouagro recommends checking out our website. It has everything you need to remedy your orchard after a hailstorm and offers fast shipping services so that you do not have to wait long before getting back on track with your business.

Future preventive measures in the orchard

The installation of Hail Netting is just one way to prevent the loss of crops due to Hail. At these points, we need to discuss some additional steps that can be taken to protect your orchard and reduce the chances of future losses.

One way is installing hail netting, which protects crops during a hailstorm by suspending tarps between poles. This installation is inexpensive and quickly protects crops, making it a great choice if hail netting installation was not completed before the storm occurred.

Additional measures that can be taken to reduce future losses include installing ballasting or weights on top of plants which help hold them down during high winds. This will also protect plant trunks from being toppled by the wind.

hail netting

The installation of hail guards with hooks around each tree trunk will also help reduce future losses as they protect the trunks and branches of trees during a hailstorm, reducing or eliminating damage to fruit on these trees.

Eyouagro Hail netting installation is just one way to prevent loss due to hail storms in an orchard.

Eyouagro One Stop Solution Protect your crops from Hail

Hail netting is a relatively advanced invention. It can be used to cover an entire orchard with hail protection netting, reduce hail damage on individual trees, and protect the fruit from Hail during harvest.

Eyouagro hail netting material is made of high-strength polyethylene. It is resistant to tearing coated with UV inhibitors on the outside and flame retardant material inside.

a. Protect Your Trees:

hail nets protect from hail storms and other natural disasters such as wind damage. They are made with durable polyethylene fabric coated with UV inhibitors on the outside and flame retardant material on the inside, providing you with quality products that will last for years to come.

b. Rehabilitate Your Plants:

Eyouagro hail nets also come with a hail net attachment system to protect your plants and trees from Hail while they grow. This is an excellent way to get them back in shape as quickly as possible, so you can enjoy healthy fruit harvests for years to come.

c. Bring Out the Beauty Again:

hail nets are made of durable material and are UV resistant, so they will still allow your trees and plants to absorb the necessary sun rays. This means that if your hail net is installed properly, it’ll bring out the beauty of your orchard again.

d. Pick Eyouagro:

hail nets have been designed with durability and quality materials in mind. You won’t need to worry about hail nets losing their shape or tearing easily because we use the best materials and design. You can choose the best types of hail netting from Eyouagro, according to your needs.

e. Know How Much Hail Netting You Need:

 if this isn’t your first-time purchasing hail netting, it may be easier for you to estimate how much hail netting is required for your orchard. If you are not sure how many hail nets you need, we have a tool on our website that will help calculate the amount of hail netting best suited for your needs.

f. Buy hail netting:

Hail netting is an affordable way for you to protect your trees from hail storms. You can buy it online through our website at eyouagro.com with a few clicks of your mouse. All hail netting comes with a hail net attachment system and is UV resistant, so you can buy quality hail nets that will last for years to come.

Best Properties of Eyouagro Netting Help You to Find Solution

a. Eyouagro Orchard hail nets can protect orchards from the devastating effects of hailstorms.

b. Orchard hail netting is typically installed in late spring or early summer, depending on where you live and when your first frost occurs.

c. Hail nets are not designed to withstand winds above 55 miles per hour (mph). SO, it would be best if you have some additional support for the rough environments, according to the environment’s needs.

hail netting accessory

d. They have been constructed of aluminized or polyester because they have a higher resistance to tearing than other materials.

Extend The Life of Your Orchard with Hail Netting

Hail netting is an economically intelligent investment for any orchard. Hail storms can cause significant damage to unprotected orchards, as they often result in the loss of 10% – 20% of the crops during each shower. So, it could be costly. But hail netting protects from the damaging effects of severe storms and other natural disasters.

EyouAgro Hail netting is a lightweight fabric that protects apple trees from Hail, snow, ice, and other debris in the air. Hail nets are installed over the top of your orchard’s rows to capture debris before it has a chance to reach your valuable fruit! Hail netting provides protection from Hail and extreme weather conditions, all while looking beautiful.

How to buy Hail Netting

If you are looking for hail netting, Eyouagro is the place to go! Eyouagro offers a wide selection of high-quality products that will help protect your property.

For example, our most popular product is the Hail Protector Netting which is made from heavy-duty polyethylene and can hold up under extreme weather conditions. If you have any questions about this or any other products, feel free to contact us to answer them for you.

Precautions To Prevent with Orchard Hail Netting

Precautions to prevent orchard hail netting: orchard hail netting is a protective barrier that will help protect your orchards from the devastating effects of hailstorms. If you have orchards, then it is essential to take precautions before the next storm season arrives. From choosing an appropriate location for installation to protecting buildings and homes on or near your property, this article covers all of the necessary steps for installing orchard hail nets to provide maximum protection from hailstorms.

Precautions To Reduce Damage:

  • Choose an appropriate orchard hail netting installation location near trees or orchards.
  • Install orchard hail nets according to the manufacturer’s directions, taking into account your area’s wind speed and which way the winds typically come from.
  • Protect buildings on or near your property by installing orchard hail netting, so it goes up with a turn or curve.
  • Eyouagro Hail proof netting will help protect buildings and homes on or near your property if installed correctly.
  • Consider adding orchard hail netting as a temporary measure to protect buildings on or near your property while waiting for permanent installation in areas where it is not feasible or recommended according to the construction drawings and specifications, such as under eaves with low pitches or over porches that have too high of an eave height.

Hail storms can be devastating for your orchard. Eyouagro Hail Netting is one of the best ways to protect your trees from the storm. But it also plays an essential role in preserving the fruit on your tree after a storm has passed. Hail netting will help keep the fruit from being damaged by rain and sun.

If you are interested in learning more about Hail Netting, Read our Hail Netting Guide!


Eyouagro Hail netting is the only way to protect your orchard. Protecting fruit trees with hail nets should be an easy and inexpensive solution for growing fresh crops. If hail storms damage a significant part of your orchard, you might need more than hail nets to fix it. Eyouagro Hail netting can help make sure that future hail damage is avoided.

If there’s anything else about hail nets that still has you puzzled, then you can always contact us.

Eyouagro customer service reps are ready to answer your hail netting questions and assist you in any way that they can.

Hey, I’m Kevin Lyu, the founder of eyouagro.com , Family-run business
An expert of agriculture protection textile specialist .
In the past 26 years, we have helped 55 countries and 150+ Clients like farms, orchards , vineyards to protect their plants. The purpose of this article is to share with the knowledge related to agriculture growing protection for making the plant healthier and stronger.
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